Primavera p3 to p6 conversion
Primavera p3 to p6 conversion

primavera p3 to p6 conversion
  1. #Primavera p3 to p6 conversion code#
  2. #Primavera p3 to p6 conversion download#

WBS Code with 7 characters – eg “APEX.AM”, this is level 2. In this example, WBS code with four characters -eg “APEX”, this is level 1.

primavera p3 to p6 conversion

The excel formula in “column F” generates a unique list of the number of characters sort in ascending order, it is an array formula (that’s why there is curly braces between the formula, if not, use CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to execute it). It is very easy to edit the WBS Code, to have the same number of character for every level. In this regards P3 was more rigorous, as the structure of the WBS is defined first. It means every level must have the same exact number of characters. Make sure that your WBS structure is well organized (*). Highlight all WBS rows, copy and paste the two columns to the worksheet “WBS dictionary” of the ”WBS-to-Activity-Code-P6.xls” file (see Tutorial Assets). Customize the columns so only WBS code, and WBS name are displayed. The APEX schedule organizedby the default “classic WBS layout”. The idea of this tutorial was inspired by a question in LinkedIn forum, a planner have received a primavera schedule using WBS, as in the oil and gas industry it is very useful to have different layouts to present the schedule to different audience, and more importantly the Work breakdown structure is based on geographic area in the construction phase, and systems in the commissioning phase, the tutorial will use the APEX sample schedule to convert a WBS to activities codes, it is assumed you have already worked with the Primavera P6 SDK. WBS to Activity Code xls : WBS-To-Activity-Code-P6.xls

primavera p3 to p6 conversion

P6 SDK Excel Tool : Dictionary6v7.xls (Please note that this tool was created by Oracle Primavera and we do not provide support on its use)

#Primavera p3 to p6 conversion download#

Download the files to complete this tutorial on your own.

Primavera p3 to p6 conversion